
One year ago, a group of friends and I were studying for a big test in a graduate student lounge.  After several hours, we started getting a little goofy.  One thing led to another, and somehow we ended up with a full fourteen line sonnet about vadose zone hydrology written up on the whiteboard.  The poem contained such evocative words as “ergodicity” and “kriging”, and a good time was had by all.  We shared the poem with our professor anonymously (though as one of the only graduates of a liberal arts college he quickly identified me as one of the authors).  Since then there have been a few other hydrology-themed poems, and although they may not be literary masterpieces people seem to enjoy them.  I shared a recent poem with my sister, and she suggested I write a whole book of science poetry.  I don’t know if a book is in the works any time soon, but I did think it would be fun if there was a more public venue where I (and my friends) could share creations inspired by our love of science.  With that in mind, I turned to the internet.  Instead of this being a traditional blog, I will be posting my own poetry, as well as friends’ poetry (if they are willing to share), and maybe even short stories or artwork.  The only theme is that some kind of science should inspire the work.   Hopefully this will be a fun outlet for others like me who enjoy the arts and the sciences.  Thanks for reading!

(For the poem that started it all, see Ode to Kriging.)

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